Aiden: You ready Daddy? We get to introduce Mommy for her Supernatural Pregnancy Summit so…
Hello beautiful people! It’s meeeee Baby Aiden! Can you believe that I’m already 8 months old! WOW! This time thing sure is working fast. I love it! I’m learning so much!
One of my favorite things to do is pull up on anything I can – couch, chair, the head board, a big persons leg and whatever else I can get my hands on. I can even stand up on my own for a few seconds without holding onto anything! I had to stand for this picture so you can see my golf short set. It has a belt!! So cool!
GUESS WHAT?! I finally figured out where the water from my bath goes when it leaves my tub! I tried to follow it down the drain a few times to see where it goes but Mommy wouldn’t let me. Well I finally solved the mystery
One day mommy took me on a walk about and we got caught in this wet stuff falling from the sky really hard. I didn’t know what it was at first then I realized IT’S MY BATH WATER!!!! its was so much water! I didn’t realize I’d taken so many baths! All of it got dumped on Mommy’s head She was running so fast down the street to get home for cover.
All I could think about was how I could’ve helped her had she let me use Mr. Peabody’s Way Back machine to take me down the drain and close it! Oh well I had a blast anyway!
My other big news is I know how to say Da-Da!! Its so cool. I love my Daddy so much. We have tons of fun! Especially when we play on the floor! We roll around then get so tired we both take a nap!
I love his cuddles too. His strong arms make me feel protected and put me straight to sleep. Its also hard to break free from them, so I don’t fight it I can’t wait to be strong like him when I grow up! He’s my favorite guy in the whole world!
Well that’s all for now! Gotta get back to play time so I’ll have more cool stories to share! Thanks for reading byeee! #AidenNkwachi #GodsPromise