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Hello beautiful people! Its meeee baby Aiden!! coming at cha with 7 whole months of life in my back pocket. Yaaaay!

You like my new ride Granny got me? 🚘 Who’s brave enough to hop in for a spin? I’m getting good practice in so when bad weather comes again I’m rolling out! It was so cold! There was white stuff falling from the sky. We sat around little fire lights in the kitchen. (It smelled good at least.) I couldn’t watch Boss Baby and had to wear so many clothes INSIDE the house 😲 this is TEXAS even I already know we don’t do that!

We had family and friends bring and mail us water, tissue, paper towels and food for me! So grateful!

We sat in the car outside a lot but the car didn’t move. 🤔 I’m still trying to figure that one out. So weird!

I’m glad that’s over! Now its pretty and sunny 🌞🙍🏾‍♂️ Daddy said storms don’t stay. They come for a little bit then leave and each one teaches us something new so the next one isn’t so bad. He said this taught him to leave the state a few days before. That’s my and Mommy’s favorite Guy so we’re rolling too!✌🏽😆

In addition to driving now I’m also sitting up completely by myself and crawling!!! Yaaaay!! I’m strong too and love to do pull ups. As long as my feet are in a good spot I can make it all the way up!

I know you guys know I love sweet potatoes but I also love carrots now! Its cool when the big people feed me but it tastes better when I do it myself 😆🙎🏽‍♀️ Mommy even pours some on my table and let’s me play in it. Can you believe it!? 🤩 She’s the best! I even help her clean it up!!

All in all life is great! I’m growing, learning, exploring, babbling, eating and napping like a true Boss 😎 See you guys next time! Byeeeeee!!! #AidenNkwachi #GodsPromise

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