God did it – again. Took us by surprise with another Supernatural Pregnancy. When I wrote my first book You’re Not Infertile. You’re Just Not in Timing, I thought that was the end of my testimony. After a five-year prophetic, cross continental journey through infertility, that led to the birth of our son on my 39th birthday, I thought, what on earth could the Lord possibly do next? Boy would He answer!
My first-born Aiden was the result of building His Kingdom through my barrenness as He told me to do. After that I set out to encourage others who were believing for birthing to do the same. Never did I think that He’d make me a living wonder!
I’ve learned so much about myself and the Lord that I had to share. I pray my supernatural pregnancy double portion testimony inspires you to activate your faith to build His Kingdom through all the barrenness that life may throw at you.
Its Birthing Season!
Porshea Wilkins-Agomo (born Porshea Mitchell of Hearne, Texas) is a Purpose Midwife, Author and Entrepreneur who resides in Houston, Texas with her Husband Jarrod, and their children.
In 2014, while recovering from a myomectomy to remove multiple grapefruit size fibroids from her uterus, God gave her the assignment for her Supernatural Pregnancy ministry where she serves as a Purpose Midwife for thousands of women globally. She uses biblical strategies to teach those assigned to her how to push past their pain and give birth to their purpose. Porshea is also the Founder of the Supernatural Pregnancy Summit, an event catered to women and couples battling infertility.
Her first book, You’re Not Infertile, You’re Just Not in Timing – supernatural strategies to activate your faith in fertility – showcases her uncommon faith activating journey to conceive her miracle baby boy. Serving as evidence to all that when you practice God’s principles you can participate in His promises. Her second book Build My Kingdom Through Your Barrenness and I Will Bless You, details the double portion supernatural pregnancy surprise the Lord gave her as she was tarrying on the front line for others who were believing for children.
Porshea is Founder of the Virtual Business Boutique; a branding, marketing and web design agency. She also leads an organization of professionals across multiple continents in the Network Marketing profession alongside her Husband. Their vision to Build It For Your Last Name (BIFYLN) has allowed them to develop one of the most admired organizations in the profession.
Porshea earned a B.B.A. in Marketing from Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas, received Congressional Recognition for community development and managed the development of a $1.4 Billion brand in the retail industry.